Let It Happen Lyrics: Exploring the Depths of Tame Impalas Psychedelic Masterpiece

Lyric Analysis: Let It Happen Lyrics

Let it happen lyrics – The lyrics of Tame Impala’s “Let It Happen” delve into the profound and transformative nature of surrendering to life’s ebb and flow. Through a tapestry of vivid imagery and introspective musings, the song explores themes of impermanence, self-discovery, and the power of embracing the present moment.

In the realm of melancholic melodies, “Let It Happen” paints a canvas of acceptance and surrender. Its lyrics resonate with the bittersweet beauty of embracing life’s unpredictable currents. As the song whispers, “I’m just a normal thing,” it echoes the sentiment of Gracie Abrams’s “Normal Thing.” Both works capture the raw vulnerability of being human, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, we are simply navigating the labyrinth of life, one step at a time, letting it happen.

Key Themes

  • Surrender: The lyrics advocate for letting go of control and allowing life’s experiences to unfold naturally, without resistance or judgment.
  • Impermanence: The song emphasizes the fleeting nature of all things, reminding us to cherish each moment as it passes.
  • Self-Discovery: Through the act of surrender, the lyrics suggest that we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.
  • Present Moment: The song encourages us to live fully in the present moment, without dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

Symbolism and Metaphors, Let it happen lyrics

  • Waves: The recurring imagery of waves symbolizes the constant flux and change of life, reminding us that we must adapt and surrender to its rhythms.
  • Water: Water represents the fluidity and cleansing power of surrender, suggesting that by letting go, we can wash away our fears and attachments.
  • Lightning: Lightning strikes evoke moments of sudden insight and transformation, illuminating our path forward when we surrender to life’s currents.

Musical Structure

Let it happen lyrics

The musical structure of “Let It Happen” is characterized by its use of repetition and variation. The song is built around a simple chord progression, which is repeated throughout the song. However, the melody and instrumentation vary constantly, creating a sense of movement and development.

Chord Progression

The chord progression of “Let It Happen” is based on the I-IV-V-vi chord progression. This is a common chord progression in popular music, and it gives the song a sense of familiarity and predictability.


The melody of “Let It Happen” is simple and repetitive, but it is also very effective. The melody is based on a few simple motifs, which are repeated throughout the song. However, the melody is also varied constantly, creating a sense of interest and variety.


The instrumentation of “Let It Happen” is sparse and minimal. The song is based on a simple drum beat, a few guitars, and a synthesizer. However, the instrumentation is also varied constantly, creating a sense of space and atmosphere.

Overall Mood and Atmosphere

The overall mood and atmosphere of “Let It Happen” is one of mystery and intrigue. The song’s slow tempo and repetitive melody create a sense of unease and suspense. The song’s sparse instrumentation also contributes to the sense of mystery, as it leaves the listener wondering what is going to happen next.

Cultural Impact

Let it happen lyrics

The cultural impact of “Let It Happen” has been profound, influencing popular culture and music trends. The song’s psychedelic and experimental nature resonated with audiences, helping to revitalize interest in psychedelic rock.

Influence on Popular Culture

  • The song’s distinctive sound and visuals have been referenced in numerous films, television shows, and video games, including “The Lego Movie” and “Grand Theft Auto V.”
  • “Let It Happen” has been used in advertising campaigns for major brands such as Apple and Nike, further solidifying its cultural relevance.

Significance in Tame Impala’s Career

“Let It Happen” was a pivotal moment in Tame Impala’s career. It marked a departure from their earlier, more traditional psychedelic rock sound, and showcased Kevin Parker’s experimental and innovative approach to music.

  • The song’s success helped propel Tame Impala to international recognition, and solidified their status as one of the leading psychedelic rock bands of the 21st century.
  • “Let It Happen” remains one of the band’s most popular and enduring songs, and continues to inspire and influence musicians and fans alike.

Lyrical Resonance

The lyrics of “Let It Happen” have resonated with audiences on a personal and emotional level. The song’s themes of surrender, acceptance, and the transformative power of change have struck a chord with listeners.

  • The song’s lyrics have been interpreted as a commentary on the challenges and opportunities of modern life, and the importance of embracing the unknown.
  • The song’s message of hope and resilience has made it a popular choice for weddings, graduations, and other life-changing events.

The lyrics of “Let It Happen” speak of embracing life’s unpredictable nature, just like the ephemeral smoke that dances in the air ( blowing smoke ). As the song encourages us to surrender to the moment, the smoke reminds us that even in its fleeting existence, it leaves a lingering scent, just as our experiences shape us and become part of the fabric of our being, guiding us towards the path of self-discovery.

As the lyrics of “Let It Happen” resonate, the words “Don’t try to control it” echo through my mind. This concept of surrender and acceptance finds its reflection in the heartwarming series Good Luck Charlie. Like the protagonist Teddy Duncan, who navigates the challenges of life with a positive attitude, “Let It Happen” reminds us to embrace the unexpected and trust that the universe has a plan.

As the song’s melody fades, I’m left with a sense of peace, knowing that sometimes the best course of action is to let life flow freely.

The lyrics of “Let It Happen” are a journey through the depths of self-discovery, urging us to embrace the unknown and surrender to the flow of life. Like the harmonious blend of “gave you i gave you i lyrics” here , “Let It Happen” reminds us that the path forward lies in acceptance and surrender, allowing us to experience the fullness of existence.

Like a solitary lullaby in the face of adversity, the lyrics of “Let It Happen” resonate with the soul. Yet, when the path grows arduous, a kindred spirit emerges in the form of “Tough Love” by Gracie Abrams (explore here).

Her poignant words remind us that sometimes, love demands resilience, mirroring the profound message of acceptance and growth found in “Let It Happen.”

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